Many entrepreneurs have turned to crowdfunding as a low-risk method of raising money to finance the development of new products, test an idea, start up or even expand a business.
However, not all crowdfunding campaigns are created the same. Crowdfund Rescue LLC can help you make your campaign a success. In addition to getting the money you need, following these tips can help you build a base that will help make your business a resounding success.
Plan Your Campaign in Advance
Instead of simply setting up a fund and hoping for the best, discuss what you want to get out of your campaign and set up goals accordingly. Perform this step weeks or even months in advance of when you want to start your campaign. Make sure you have a solid presence in your base community before you start your crowdfunding program and have a plan for different outcomes according to how much money you raise.
You May Need More than One CampaignÂ
Depending on how much money you want to raise as well as your message, you may need more than one campaign. Think about scheduling campaigns at multiple times of the year. Be creative. For example, if you want to create an introduce a product, institute a campaign for product creation for a limited time and then create a second one for advertising, public relations and branding purposes.
If your message and needs are more general, creating campaigns at different times of the year will pique the interest of those who want to contribute but may be cash-strapped a certain times of the year. Remember, that different people have different “crunch” times when it comes to finances. Along those lines, establishing a crowdfunding campaign after Christmas and other holidays may not be a good idea. Wait at least a month after major holidays when your audience may have a larger disposable income.
Be Convincing
Just because you think you have an idea that the entire world will love doesn’t mean your audience will. What you need to do is translate your idea into reality through convincing text. Initiate a convincing public relations campaign in conjunction with your crowdfunding effort to convince your audience why your product or idea is worthy of their support. Make sure your story is seen and read by those who are likely to support you.
Give Investors Pertinent Information
What are you financing, a product, a service, or something else? Be specific. Investors want to know what they are spending their money on, no matter how small the investment is. The more specific you are, the more likely you will be able to persuade that individual who is interested in your work to contribute to your cause.
Give Contributors a Perk
Nothing works as well as a freebie. By promising your crowdfunding audience that they will get something for their efforts, you’ll make them more favorable to parting with their money. Although they won’t be getting something for free, the simple idea of a freebie is a powerful incentive.
Need more info and insights on how to have a successful crowdfunding campaign? Reach out to Crowdfund Rescue LLC, today.