When it comes to transitioning your workforce to remote working, one of the hardest tasks is ensuring everyone has what they need, and that the proper security measures are in place. With many options to choose from, you want to ensure that you’re choosing the right equipment for each individual worker. To help, here are some general guidelines for helping you decide what employees need to work efficiently outside the office.
Assess What Needs Have Changed
One of the first things you need to do is assess the new changes to your company’s protocol with the switch to remote working so you accurately meet the demands. From ensuring that all technology has equally updated security, to knowing which IT systems you will need to invest in, it’s important you know exactly what to expect once everyone starts working from home.
Once you’ve made your assessment, you can start to think about how they’re going to impact the type of equipment your team will need.
Establish Who Needs Equipment
When bringing in or switching to a remote workforce, you will find some people will want to stay in the office. Whether it’s easier for them to focus, or they simply don’t have the space to work at home, not everyone is suited to a remote workspace.
As a result, you’ll want to take those individual preferences into consideration and, if possible to allow some in-office workers, discern who would need the tech. Those working off of their work laptops at home may also need additional monitors, keyboards and a mouse to support their set-up.
Only Get Equipment That You Need
If you know people are going to be working from home for a long period of time, be sure and consider the long-term solution to the equipment, rather than simply a short-term fix. Not only will this help your team run more efficiently, but if you decide they can continue to work remotely even when it’s safe, that means they won’t be requesting new upgrades sooner. While it’s an investment at first, it pays off over time.
Avoid buying new equipment for those that don’t need it. If someone chooses to work from the office, chances are they will already have everything they need to continue their work with ease. If they have any issues and require additional equipment, such as a headset, as a result of the move, ask them to let you know.
In conclusion, ask your IT team what they would recommend. This means assessing what each of your employees will need in order to work remotely efficiently. If you’re looking for assistance when it comes to preparing your remote workforce, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. As an IT company in Tyler, Texas, we will be able to help you assess what you need and establish who needs what in order to work efficiently.