The 6 Types of Employment Discrimination

The world might be on the cusp of 2020, but workplace discrimination is just as prevalent as ever. You’re probably aware of prejudice based on gender and color, but there’s more to it than that. This is a hideous horse of many colors, and there are six main types of employment discrimination you need to be aware of.

Defining Discrimination

An employer’s prejudices and favoritism can show itself during the hiring process, choosing to fire an employee, or while that employee is currently working for the company. While discrimination can take place in numerous forms, the law views it as unfair treatment due to:

  •         Race and skin color
  •         National origin
  •         Gender
  •         Disability
  •         Religion
  •         and Age

In the United States, you are protected against discrimination under Executive Order 11246 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Both the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions (EEOC) enforce these laws. Harassment falls under these laws as well.

1. Race and Skin Color

Despite federal laws set in place, racism today remains a prevalent issue in America. Minorities suffer the most from this racist mindset, often being passed over for a job simply because of their appearance. While it can be difficult to determine race or skin color as the cause for not hiring someone, both workplace injustice and firings are often crystal clear.

2. National Origin

Another form of racism, discrimination against an employee for their national origin was once the norm in early America. Take the East Coast’s prejudice towards the Irish or the West’s attitudes towards Mexicans during the 1800’s as examples. While the country has come a long way in its inclusive efforts, the fires of prejudice continue to be stoked.

3. Gender

From the glass ceiling to sexual harassment, gender discrimination is just as prevalent now as ever. Women have made exceptional strides for equality, but some employers still treat them as sexual objects or inferiors.

4. Disability

Disability discrimination is not as common as a topic of conversation, but over 40 million disabled Americans face this prejudice on a daily basis. Like all six types on this list, an employment law attorney is often required to fight for your rights. Hiring a disability discrimination lawyer not only helps fight your case, but also sheds light on the issue.

5. Religion

Recent prejudice towards Muslims show just how prevalent this form of discrimination is. The EEOC recorded a 250% increase in discrimination cases since 9/11, with those numbers continuing to rise as politicians stoke the flames of divisiveness. It isn’t just Muslims, though. Employer prejudice can span all forms of religion.

6. Age

Age is a tough factor to identify, but it’s well-known that employers often discriminate against both the young and old. Employment discrimination lawyers in California have fought and won these cases, which often center around benefits and pay.

Don’t accept discrimination in any form. Your rights are protected under federal law, and an employment law attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve while protecting you from employer retaliation. 

Founder of Nanohydr8.