Interviewing Jurgen Cautreels: How To Balance Fitness Routines While Running a Business

Running a business is no easy feat. It’s stressful, it can be overwhelming at times, and it can leave little time for other activities. But as CEO of my own company, I’ve learned that keeping up with fitness routines is integral to my overall health and well-being—and also crucial to being able to keep up with the demands of my job. So while I don’t always find time for workouts, when I do carve out that hour or two each week, it makes me feel like I can take on anything the rest of life throws my way.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Jurgen Cautreels has been an Internet marketer for over a decade. He focuses on email marketing, social media marketing, and Web3 technologies. In this interview, he talks about the importance of fitness routines in his life and how to balance them while running a business.

What kind of workouts and exercises do you focus on?

When it comes to workouts and exercises, the first thing you should do is focus on your strengths. For example, if you’re a fitness buff who loves running up mountains or lifting heavy weights at the gym, then you should continue doing what works best for you! However, if you’re a beginner looking to get into shape but aren’t sure where to start with your workout routine yet, we recommend picking exercises that don’t require much equipment—this way they can be done anywhere.

Some examples of good beginner exercises include yoga (which has been shown by science to help improve mental health), jogging on flat ground or an inclined treadmill (you can even try going uphill), walking briskly around town with friends (the dog will love this one too!), and stretching after every workout session so that muscles stay flexible throughout exercise sessions.

For advanced athletes: don’t forget about building muscle mass. Building muscle mass helps keep bones strong when exerting yourself during exercise sessions; thus allowing one’s body weight along with gravity’s pull downward force become less over time compared against how much energy it takes to move around normally without exercising regularly under normal conditions as opposed “no exercise regimen” conditions .

What do you eat in a typical day?

Eating well is one of the most effective ways to stay fit and healthy, says Jurgen Cautreels. The food you eat provides your body with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. The type of food you eat can influence your energy levels and even help reduce inflammation throughout your body which can help prevent heart disease.

To maintain a balanced diet I try to consume around 30g of protein per day, about 90g of carbs daily and the rest from fat sources like nuts or cheese which I enjoy at least once a day. I also make sure that my meals are composed mainly of whole foods that are not processed or chemically altered — such as brown rice instead of white rice or fresh vegetables instead of frozen ones.

How do you stay motivated to stick with your fitness routines?

I try to stay motivated by finding a workout that I enjoy. If you love what you’re doing, then it will be easier to stick with it. For me, running has become an integral part of my life and I look forward to my runs every day. If you don’t have the luxury of being able to run outside every day like I do, there are other options that can still help motivate you and keep fit at home. An elliptical machine or stationary bike will provide similar benefits with less impact on your joints than running does. The important thing is just finding something that works for you and sticking with it!

If exercise isn’t your thing (or if seasonal depression is keeping you from wanting to go out), then consider starting small by taking short walks each day or taking the stairs instead of elevators on your way up when traveling around town or work buildings in between meetings etc.. It doesn’t take much effort but over time those small changes add up.

Find a way to work out that you enjoy so that you can motivate yourself to be consistent.

The first step to finding a workout routine or fitness regimen you can stick with is finding something that you enjoy. This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to forget how much your motivation level depends on the activity itself. If you hate running, for example, then it’s unlikely that running will ever be enough of an incentive to get yourself out the door every day.

On top of this, consider how convenient and fun it will also be—especially if you are only able to spare an hour or so each day for exercise (which is likely). This means looking at things from a convenience perspective; if there isn’t any place close by where I can run or do yoga or whatever my preferred form of physical activity might be, then what’s the point? I’ll probably just skip doing anything altogether!

Finally—and most importantly—find something challenging enough that motivates yet doesn’t leave you feeling exhausted afterward (or worse). You want to go into each session thinking: “I’ve got this!” rather than “I don’t think I can do another pushup…or another squat…or another burpee…”


Jurgen is an example of how to balance fitness routines with a busy work schedule. He focuses on staying healthy by eating well, exercising regularly and resting enough. He also tries to find ways to make exercise fun so that he doesn’t get bored with it over time.
