30 Tips to Keep Entrepreneurs Motivated During Difficult Times

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy path. While the media likes to glorify it, the truth is there are more downs than ups when you take this journey.

Those that power through those tough times are the ones that come out victorious in the end.

I recently polled a group of entrepreneurs and business owners, asking them to provide their best tip to stay motivated when the journey becomes difficult. We were able to compose a list of thirty helpful tips that I hope you enjoy and find value in.

1. Keep the end goal in mind as you build.

“In the last year and a half, my company has grown 220 percent while I moved everything from Denver to Newport Beach, got married, and hired a ton of people. I think the daily grind starts to beat you down if you’re really in the weeds. We’re bootstrapped and profitable since month two, but it hasn’t always been an easy road.

I constantly wonder where we would be or what would happen if I stopped grinding so hard — maybe I wouldn’t always need to push myself to stay motivated. I think the only thing you can do is to keep picturing the end goal of what you’re trying to build. Personally, I use the mad days as ‘anger fuel’ to push myself to kill it the next day. I’m not sure everyone can function this way, but I use minor annoyances and headaches to kick me back into gear.

Oddly enough, we usually thrive after minor setbacks or issues with clients. I burned the boats when I started this company, and I have a family to support. I am forever motivated for a better life for my family, my company, and our employees. Take the negatives, get pissed, and push hard to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Hint: it will.” — Adam Greenbaum, CEO of WhiskerCloud

2. Take care of yourself.

“We all need to keep our energy barrels full. When you have your own business, you could easily work 24/7 and never finish everything you need to do. If we don’t take care of ourselves — if we don’t put on our oxygen masks first — we won’t be any good to our business, clients, family, or anyone else that matters in our lives. I think of my clients as human thoroughbreds. Just like winning racehorses, we all need good food, good sleep, exercise, grooming, etc. Then we can run our best race.” — Elene Cafasso, MCC, Enerpace, Inc. Executive Coaching

3. Thrive on tackling difficult situations and creating a story.

“I’ve seen a fair share of challenging situations over the years — being near bankruptcy, getting sued, losing sales deals, having great team members leave — and it is easy to fall into a dark place. When those times happen, I remind myself of two things.

First, the thing that I love most about being an entrepreneur is tackling hard problems. Hard problems are only hard problems because they seem impossible at the outset. The satisfaction from hard problems only comes afterwards once the darkest times have been passed.

Second, I remind myself that life is all about stories. Most of the best stories that I have in my memory are from times that were chaotic, challenging, and dark. So, the darkest times are the most fertile for generating great stories. With those two things, I’m able to keep my focus, stay motivated, and find a way out of the challenging situation.” — Steve Woods, co-founder & CTO, Nudge.ai

4. Fake it ‘til you make it (your energy).

The entrepreneur life can feel pretty lonely, and as if you’re up against the world. The one thing I’ve heard over and over is you have to stay positive, and if you have to fake your energy, it’s fine to ‘fake it ‘til you make it.’ What I’ve found to be incredibly motivating is networking and surrounding myself with positivity reinforcers — cheerleaders, if you will.

Having this rolodex of people — no matter how big or small — is a true boost to me when I’m feeling in a slump. For example, after having a tough week and not feeling as productive as I had wanted to, I called up a fellow female entrepreneur who has me beat me when it comes to being a ball of positive energy. We met for coffee a few days later, and chatting about my experience was a nice relief. It was great to share, have her build me back up, and I left our coffee session feeling bright and like I could take on the world. When you surround yourself with positivity and energetic people, it not only boosts you up mentally, but can help reset your motivation for the better.” — Charlotte Maumus, memwris

5. Visualize your success and rewards.

“I’ve been in the digital marketing space for more than 10 years now and nothing motivates me more than providing for my family and traveling the world while visualizing it when I’m at my desk. It may sound silly, but I have pictures of my family and dream destinations that I want to visit as well as a picture of a beach condo I would love to purchase with the money I can hopefully earn in the future.

Whenever I feel down and feel as if I’m not going anywhere, I always tell myself that someone else is doing it and I can do the same. And whenever I look at these pictures, there’s something about it that allows me to envision myself visiting that condo I own, providing for my family or enjoying the wonderful sights of the world. In turn, it motivates me throughout the day whenever I’m feeling down on myself.

Being a visual person, I feel if I can see something I want while at my desk, it can give me that extra boost when I feel I’m not succeeding.” — Tom Nathaniel, LushDollar

6. Focus on your mission.

“When times are difficult and entrepreneurs are faced with adversity, it is crucial to focus on what brings you closer to your mission. At my prior company, the mission was to deliver the platform that makes biomedical data useful and usable by everyone. If we did this, then more patients would get the right therapies, treatment approach and/or clinical trials.

As an early stage company, there were many times Genospace was faced with challenges large and small. Losing focus could have veered us off course. The times we were most focused on our mission were the times our team was most motivated and produced the most progress.

One of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs is the persistent adversity we face on a daily basis. Big challenges like running out of cash, new competition, and raising capital often get the headlines. But the daily challenges are often the ones that sap motivation the most.

As an example, at Pocketdoor we are a lean team and have to make choices every week, every day and every hour about what to focus on next. We try to focus on what will have the biggest impact on making home improvement projects more enjoyable for homeowners, while eliminating unnecessary frustrations, delays and cost overruns. If we attack our daily challenges with this approach, motivation is at its best.” — Dan Meyer, Pocketdoor

7. Maintain a written to-do list.

“Obviously, money is the key motivator for any entrepreneur but sometimes there are so many things going on that the mountain of to-dos seems impossible to climb and it’s easy to throw up your arms in exasperation and lose focus.

I always have an actual, physical list on paper of what needs to be done. At times, the list seems to grow far quicker than things can be scratched off of it, which is demoralizing and certainly not a great motivator. Although I usually prioritize things in order of what will lead to the greatest business benefit first, when I become dismayed by the sheer volume of things that need to be done, sometimes I flip things and decide to do the quickest tasks first, even though they may not be the things that lead to the greatest rewards.

Maybe it’s just me, but when I can knock off 3-5 tasks in a day and that list looks less daunting the next day, I suddenly become re-energized.” — Dave Hermansen, CEO of Store Coach

8. Listen to podcasts.

“Listening to the ‘How I Built This’ podcast is one of the best ways I’ve found to reorganize my thoughts and see things for what they really are. It lets you escape by listening to stories of how founders of major companies faced adversity and overcame it. It’s an introspective reminder that success is often defined by not giving up and that failure is a part of the process. Best of all, you can listen to it in the car, so it doesn’t bite into your productivity.” — Alan LaFrance, Lawnstarter

9. Find a like-minded community.

“Finding the time to build your business, especially while working a regular job, is one of the hardest things. You have to be disciplined, motivated, and keep that momentum going. One of the things I found most motivating was to find a group of others like myself. I’ve learned so much by virtue of knowledge and community.” — Chloe Spilotro, CEO of Cannabling

10. Organize and prioritize.

“I have been in business for 10 years and have had my ups and downs. It is very difficult when you are operating a biz when adversity strikes. I managed to keep my business up through a divorce and business partner split at the same time, but the most recent was my ex-fiancée was and is mental ill, he broke off our engagement and I had a horrific move on top of it. Here is what I did:

Fist, I focused on fun clients — I have fun projects all of the time, and everyone I promote is niche and amazing. Then, I created a to-do list — I have a notebook at all times — there is something about creating list and crossing things off (Even if they are small), that is quite productive and eases your mind. Finally, I kept a list of three items I needed to do per day that resulted in positive growth.” — Michele Smith, CEO of M Communications Inc.

11. Trust the process and put in the work.

“We were deep in the trenches every day building a product that should’ve taken less than 60 days. In the end, it stretched out to almost 9 months and entailed finding new team members multiple times.

I seriously contemplated quitting more than once but something inside of me (probably the sunk cost fallacy) kept me going.

Looking back, it wasn’t a hack or a trick that kept me going and inspired. That would’ve been nice but it wasn’t what worked for me.

Let me backtrack. This isn’t my first business. Throughout the years, I’ve faced many challenges.

Our customer base wasn’t growing fast enough, we couldn’t get enough search traffic, or our ads weren’t converting.

Through it all, we only did one thing — we trusted in our processes.

We’d wake up every morning and put in the work. Every night we trusted what we did would yield results.

Action begets motivation — not the other way around.

When you’re feeling down or the world is not on your side, just put your head down and out in the work. Slowly but surely it’ll start to pay off.” — Daniel Ndukwu, Founder and CEO of KyLeads

12. Weather through ‘down’ days productively.

“Being able to stay motivated is important, but I think we all have days (even weeks) when we just can’t get motivated and that’s unavoidable. Because of that, it’s far more important for entrepreneurs to be able to weather through these “down” days productively even while not being motivated.

So, what I do to weather these ‘down’ times is to commit to a process rather than an outcome. What I mean by that is, instead of letting the prospect of achieving ‘wins’ motivate me — like closing a sale — I commit to finishing a certain number of tasks that day — like sending out 10 cold emails. This has helped me tremendously over the years, because while during the ‘down’ times everything is bleak and it’s really hard to see success, but it’s pretty easy to get myself to send 10 emails. I get a ‘reward’ from my brain for finishing these tasks, I call it a day to relax and distract myself with other things in my life. Even on the worst days I still commit to finishing at least one task, and over time the effect of finishing these tasks add up to meaningful outcomes.

I’m going through something like this right now, where I’m trying to close some partnership deals with tourism boards. It’s not going very well as the tourism boards remain wary of working with someone they’ve never worked with before, but I’m forcing myself to send out 3 new emails every day. In my last business — which we grew to $1.3M per year in revenue — I practiced this all the time. One of the bleakest times was when we lost one of our key distribution partners. I committed to walk around the city and talk to 8 cafes each day to sign up a replacement.” — Steve Long, co-founder, The Travel Brief

13. Believe in what you are building.

“One of my favorite motivational books for entrepreneurs is Seth Godin’s ‘The Dip.’ In this book, he advises readers to recognize the difference between a dip and a dead end. As an entrepreneur, I believe strongly in the business I’m building, the solution it creates in the market, and the team I’ve assembled. Founding the company and seeing early successes is exhilarating and thrilling. Staying motivated is easy when your business is growing and feedback is positive.

But, eventually, everyone hits a dip. Whether it’s losing a big contract, struggling to find investors or challenges from competitors. Your momentum can come to a screeching halt. Hitting significant adversity can feel personally defeating for a passionate entrepreneur that puts much of themselves in their business. To stay motivated, you need to recognize these moments for what they are, dips not dead ends. Dive into whatever challenge or problem caused your dip, listen to your investors and customers, and find a solution. That solution is the bridge over your dip.

Even the most brilliant new ideas or inventions will hit stumbling blocks on their journey to the market. As entrepreneurs, we need to recognize that dips are a normal part of the process. Our ability to work through them will be what sets our organizations up for success.” — Shaun Savage, CEO of GoShare

14. Celebrate the small victories.

“One way to stay motivated when times are tough is to make sure that you celebrate the small victories. Often, when we have a large and significant end-goal in mind, it’s hard to feel content about most of our progress, since even when we manage to move forward there is still so much left to do.

The best way to avoid this pitfall is to make sure to acknowledge the small victories along the way to your end goal. For example, let’s say that your goal is to launch a certain product. While the launch itself might be the most notable end goal that you have in mind at first, if you don’t celebrate any of the other milestones along the way, you will likely end up being discouraged and getting burned out. These milestones can be anything from finishing a draft of the product design, to getting your first alpha testers, to receiving positive feedback on your preorder campaign.

Doing this not only helps you stay motivated, but also helps you plan ahead and stay on track, by encouraging you to create a detailed map of project milestones that you need to complete while making progress towards your end goal.” — Itamar Shatz, Solving Procrastination

15. Break your tasks down into manageable micro-tasks.

“I’ve often been puzzled by this question because for a long time I believed you are either motivated, or you’re not. Something has to grab you and focus your attention. Whether it’s emotional, monetary or personal, there has to be a deep underlying reason for you to do anything. However, as I’ve matured in my business experience I’ve come to identify one trick which has worked for me.

I’m someone who is naturally motivated however like everyone else, there are days when I just can’t seem to remain motivated or focused. I find breaking down short to media long term goals into very small micro-tasks which can be achieved on a daily or weekly basis has really worked for me. It allows me to remain motivated even on days when I feel like simply staying in bed. Why does this work? If you’re someone who likes to get things done and relishes ticking off that task on your list, you’ll be invigorated by the idea of doing that on a more regular basis. It’s essentially tricking you into believing you’re accomplishing more, but for a good reason.

I’ve also found taking small, frequent breaks helps me focus and stay motivated. I’ll work for one hour, tick off a completed task, take a small break and then tackle the next one. It’s really quite satisfying and you’ll be amazed at what you’ve managed to accomplish at the end of a workday.” — Hans Desjarlais, founder of Flightlist

16. Maintain your mind, body, and spirit.

“I use a number of guidelines and rules in my life to help me stay motivated when I’m feeling lazy, anxious, or discouraged. I try to battle these emotions by maintaining my mind, body, and spirit. I find my motivation stays highest when I am eating right, waking up early, not drinking too much and working out every morning.

I use habit tracking apps to make sure I stay on top of all of these things and it helps me stay accountable to myself. When I really don’t want to do something like go to the gym I tell myself ‘I go to the gym every morning,’ not ‘I need to go to the gym,’ taking the question out of it and making it a statement helps me drag myself out of bed.

I try to take a few minutes everyday to meditate in order to shut out the constant stimulus of the outside world and reset my mood. Finally, I keep a gratitude journal at night where I write 3 things from the day I was most grateful for. Even doing all these things somedays you won’t be motivated, I make sure to not beat myself on these days and just vow to do better tomorrow.” — Louis Wood, DefendItYourself.com LLC

17. Talk your way through difficult times.

“I find myself often discouraged during a jury trial. I have to find inspiration or motivation to keep working harder and finish the trial and protect the interests of my client.

I remember years ago trying a difficult criminal matter and the trial kept dragging on and on. The state called witness after witness and presented more and more evidence that adversely affected my client.

Every day I became more discouraged and needed additional motivation to keep fighting for my client and his freedom.

I found motivation and inspiration everyday by visiting my client in the jail after the day of trial and talking about the facts of his life and not about the trial itself.

Those talks encouraged me to work harder and help my client. Although my client was still convicted, I did find a way to dig deep and gain the motivation and inspiration through his story and his life and working for someone else.” — Randolph Rice, Law Offices of Randolph Rice

18. Ask for advice.

“My biggest tip is to reach out to other entrepreneurs in your field and be honest about your struggles and ask for advice. When I went into business for myself, I worked in isolation and felt like I had to figure everything out on my own. When my marketing efforts weren’t working and my revenue was dropping, I felt a compulsion to read business blogs and listen to podcasts in hopes of finding a golden nugget of information that would turn things around.

I didn’t talk to others about my struggles. I kept it all inside and often exaggerated how well my business was doing in order to appear successful. It wasn’t until I started to network with other entrepreneurs in my space that I discovered that I wasn’t alone in my struggles. Other business owners were facing similar types of problems and the more we talked about it openly and honestly, the more we were able to help each other come up with solutions to fix them. Sometimes it takes a third-party to look objectively at your business and point out potential mistakes you may not be seeing because you’re so closely attached to the work.” — Stephen Hockman, Trusty Joe

19. Disconnect from your business and enjoy time with friends.

“My best tip for staying motivated, especially when times are tough is to take some time away from your business and go and meet some of your friends. While this can be a good way to de-stress, there is more to it than that.

For me this works in one of two different ways. Like most entrepreneurs I have many friends who aren’t entrepreneurs. Having a dinner or a drink with them is great reminder of why I wanted to be an entrepreneur in the first place. An hour or so listening to people complain about their job, is enough to remind me that while being an entrepreneur is not easy, it’s better than the alternative.

This can also work by meeting up with entrepreneur friends, but the focus will be a little different. When meeting up with them I like to talk through difficult times they’ve had and how they overcame them. There’s truth in the statement that misery loves company. And talking with other entrepreneurs is a great way to remember you’re not alone.” — Ian Wright, British Business Energy

20. Keep a journal.

“Staying motivated in the midst of this roller coaster of a life called entrepreneurship can be difficult! Contrary to popular belief, it’s not always puppies and rainbows when you run off and start your new business. I personally write a journal of the days business events each day.

I do this because when the going gets tough and I start to feel very discouraged, I just look at the journal entry for a few weeks or months prior and then I get to see how far I’ve come for the business. It’s never disappointed me as well.

I’ve never looked at my journal entries from a few weeks to a month back and wonder why I didn’t get much done, it actually ends up motivating me all over again because I realize I’m crushing it.” — Dane Kolbaba, Watchdog Pest Control

21. Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs.

“My number one tip for staying motivated as an entrepreneur is to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship can be a very lonely existence, especially if one is bootstrapping a business. The highs, like winning a new client or securing investment, are usually short-lived and there are generally many more lows on the path to success. Without a good support network of likeminded people who you can lean on for support, inspiration or guidance when times get tough (and they will), it is very easy to get demotivated.

There are many ways one can do this, but in my experience the following channels have worked great for me.

  • Joining an online community of like-minded entrepreneurs, preferably in your industry or business area. For example, there are countless online communities on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn for business owners in every type industry imaginable. These communities are often super active and provide a great place to share ideas, get feedback, form partnerships and feel connected to a wider group of people who may be experiencing the same ups and downs.
  • Join a co-working space to meet other fellow entrepreneurs. Co-working spaces are frequently used by entrepreneurs and really facilitate easy and natural networking opportunities.
  • Join a mastermind. If you can find a small collection of like-minded entrepreneurs working in or on similar businesses, then setting up a mastermind is an excellent idea. A mastermind is simply a group of people who meet regularly, either in person for a coffee etc. or virtually via a communication tool like Skype, to discuss the challenges and opportunities that they face in their business. It’s a safe place to share ideas and get support and feedback from a set of people who understand your business and want to see you succeed.
  • Finally, if you are someone who doesn’t naturally like networking or interacting with other people then start by listening to entrepreneurship podcasts, like the Tropical MBA or the Tim Ferris Show (to name a few), and reading entrepreneurship books like The Lean Startup, Good to Great and Build to Last (to name a few again). Reading or listening to the insights of other entrepreneurs who have been there and ‘done it’ can be incredibly motivating.” — Mark Whitman, founder of Mountain IQ

22. Understand that what you are doing is progressive.

“My business partner Casey Collins and I launched our menswear brand with the simple ambition of getting out of what society wants us to do, and actually do what we want to do. Since launching, my experience has been exciting, stressful, and above all, exhilarating, but the thought of doing my own thing, embarking on something that no one has ever done, keeps me pushing forward.

My motivation lies in the simple notion that I am pushing towards freedom, freedom to do my own thing, freedom to be creative, freedom of someone else telling me what to do. My own experience as an entrepreneur, has been a testament to my resilience and will power. Above all the adversity, I’ve had the ability to keep moving forward.

Some advice to stay motivated through adversities, is to understand that what you are doing is progressive, you’re carving your own path, you are saying no to the status quo and doing your own thing, that’s pretty cool. Adversities as an entrepreneur is inevitable, but how you handle them is what matters. Entrepreneurs are the most ambitious and innovative people on the planet. To be a part of that group is an honor and a privilege and I won’t give that up for anything. It’s important to keep that in mind as go through your own ventures.” — Blake Davis, co-founder of LABL

23. Get plenty of rest.

“Staying motivated as an entrepreneur is a key component of being successful. I would highly advise to make sure you are getting enough rest. Often times entrepreneurs are told to work, work and do more work. However there is a point of diminishing returns. Effective work and the end result is what ultimately matters. Work for the sake of doing work is counterproductive.

Throughout my career, I have seen people overreact and make bad decisions because they are extremely tired and stressed out. I have worked only 2-4 hours some days but they were some of my most productive days. One particular issue we faced at NoDegree.com was that we prepared for a pitch for some investors who seemed really excited. We worked hard and prepared for every question they could throw at us. The day before we were supposed to present, the investors backed out. It was heartbreaking for my team and I. We knew if we were able to present, we could get the funding.

In the long run, it worked out better for us as we have been able to grow without funding and we are able to maintain 100% control of our company. All of the members of NoDegree.com have a great relationship with each other. We are able to discuss ideas and criticize each other’s ideas without letting it get to us. I have seen how easily tired people snap at each other and thankfully, that has never happened for my team.” — Jonaed Iqbal, founder and CEO of NoDegree Inc

24. Remember why you started the journey.

“The best tip for staying motivated when times are hard is to remember why you started. Since I started Beeya there have been more hard days than easy ones but when something good happens, it makes it worth it.

I started Beeya to take the bias out of job searching. I thought that would be an issue everyone would feel passionate about, but I was wrong. I learned that most agencies put in place are corrupt, most colleges put business first instead of students, and there’s an entire population of people who are forgotten about. Knowing all of that can be depressing, but when I look back at the work we have done and the people we’ve helped, it keeps me going. That’s what I think young entrepreneurs should remember.” — Ladan Davia, CEO of Beeya

25. Reconnect with your customers and clients.

“When I’ve lost my mojo, I find I get a huge boost by reconnecting with customers. Having some conversations with real customer helps immensely when it seems that the effort of building and running a business is too much. Specifically, I like to call customers that seem to be happy and ask if I can get their feedback and perhaps use their story to write up a case study.

I ask them questions about how they found us, what their situation was before the y started using our business, and how that’s changed now. I also ask what their favorite thing about our business is, as well as their input for improvements. Whichever way you do it, if you can direct the conversation towards finding out how your business has helped this customer, you’ll start to feel a whole lot better about the value your business delivers.

Helping others is a basic need inside all of us, so the more you can recognize the ways your business is making a difference, the more motivated you’ll feel.” — Fiona Adler, Actioned.com

26. Always follow your gut.

“Staying motivated during adversity is not always easy. When I started Harness so many people didn’t understand why I was creating a media platform, they thought it would be unsuccessful, they were skeptical about allowing women to share their stories, they thought no one would be interested.

I had so many people who didn’t see my vision and it was hard to stay motivated. It was hard to not collapse and allow the naysayers to win, but when times get tough you need to follow your gut. You need to remember your purpose and tune out the background noise. Let your purpose drive you.” — Ashley Rector, Harness Magazine

27. Keep pushing forward and stay busy.

“Being an entrepreneur in the first place takes a lot of self-motivation. Business owners don’t have supervisors over our shoulders asking for status updates so being a self-starter is part of the gig.

That being said there are certainly times where keeping a high-level of motivation can be challenging. Public accounting is a cyclical business. When I’m in ‘slow’ season it can be challenging to maintain that same laser-focused motivation.

To avoid stalling out, I create long and short-term goals to focus on when my client work isn’t as high. My goals usually include marketing and growth initiatives. It’s basically the ‘stuff’ that I don’t have time to touch when I’m doing billable work. I never take these items off my to-do list so if I find myself with a lower workload I can jump right into those initiatives. As I complete specific tasks, I ensure I add more. As an entrepreneur you should never not have something to do. I find I lose motivation when I perceive I’ve done all I need to do for the week.

My recommendation for other entrepreneurs is to do the same. Develop a list of to-dos to complete when your workload is light or when you’re hurting for clients. Keep moving, keep pushing, and stay busy. No one else is going to do it, that starts from within.” — Patrick Marek, Marek CPA & Associates

28. Take time for yourself.

“I learned the hard way that burning the candle at both ends (and sometimes in the middle) can truly be detrimental to anyone. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of growing your business but too much of a good thing can go from positive to a negative in no time.

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to bring you best to every meeting and to the office each day. You can’t motivate others if you aren’t motivated personally. Without time off or some downtime to recharge, you will quickly burn out and struggle to gain momentum again.

Whether you turn off your phone to give yourself a little quiet time during lunch or find a way to keep the laptop closed once you are home for the night, you’ll be in a better position to take on the challenges of the next day. Also, make sure you take that annual vacation like the rest of your troops. The best way to inspire you is to enjoy the simple pleasures a vacation can offer. It will motivate you to conquer that long list of ‘things to do’ once you return.” — Brittany Hebert, Sky High

29. Understand that certain consumer patterns or economic conditions are beyond our control.

“I remind myself that certain consumer patterns or economic conditions are beyond our control.

What motivates me during this period is to think of how my hard work will eventually pay off, even if the reward is not immediate.

This might mean keeping up meaningful communication with suppliers or clients, brainstorming ways to increase our brand equity, staying active on social media and so forth. Sweat equity always pays off for us, but patience is required – and looking at things from a bird’s eye view – keeping in mind that previous years have been successfully despite seasonal lows. An honest assessment of these patterns can pay dividends, but it’s something that needs to be consciously attended to.” — Peter James Lovisek, Fossil Realm Inc.

30. Set monthly goals.

“I’ve found it helps to set monthly goals that you can think about each night and morning, while keeping these in the back of your mind as motivators at all times. Combine that with concrete daily and weekly to do lists so you have things to do and check off even when you don’t feel like doing it. When you have a concrete list in front of you, it is much easier to motivate yourself to check off tasks even when you don’t feel like it.” — Stacy Caprio, Accelerated Growth Marketing

Jonathan Long is the Founder of Uber Brands, a brand development agency located in Miami, focused on building e-commerce brands in the health, fitness, lifestyle and beauty industries.