While not every retail store is opening to full capacity yet due to the global pandemic that’s been going on over the last year, once retail shopping is able to get back to the level that it was at pre-COVID, retail owners are likely going to want to get as many people coming through their store as possible.
To help ensure that you’re able to do this, here are three ways to make your retail store irresistible for foot traffic.
Do Some Landscaping
No one really wants to get into an establishment that doesn’t look as though it’s been well maintained. So to help people walking by your store to know that you take pride in the way you present yourself to your customers or clients, you’re going to want to start with how your building looks from the outside.
As part of this, Bob Phibbs, a contributor to RetailDoc.com, shares that you should ensure that the outside of your building is clean and that you try to introduce color where you can. This can be done through marketing materials or through doing some professional landscaping. Whatever makes the most sense for your location and neighborhood to incorporate color and style will be great for catching the eye of people walking by your retail store as well as those who may be able to spot you from further away now that you stand out from the other stores around.
Create In-Store Offers
While it’s great to be able to sell your products or services online in addition to having your physical store, if you’re paying for your storefront space, you want to be sure that people are actually using it.
To help you with this, marketing expert Neil Patel, suggests that you start offering certain discounts or additional items that can only be redeemed in-store. You can accomplish this by doing a marketing push that focuses on this part of your business as well as doing location-based ads or SMS to encourage people to come into the store for an added bonus to their purchase.
Market All Around Your Store Location
According to Susan Ward, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, when people are out walking on the streets, they are more likely to be looking down at their phone than looking around at the stores and shops that they’re passing by. Knowing this, people might not look up in time to see what you’ve put out just outside your shop to entice them to come inside.
With this in mind, you may want to consider working with other businesses in your area to cross-promote each other or allow for each other’s marketing materials to be displayed in each other’s stores. This can help increase the chances of people seeing signs of your business and wanting to visit your establishment later.
If you’re wanting to get more foot traffic coming into your retail store, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you achieve this goal.